
The "UN Police" MRAP That Wasn't

Birth Control Works6/28/2014 9:03:46 am PDT

re: #125 austin_blue

How did you get from legalizing drug use to date rape? Separate issues, no?

yes and no.

People who are under the influence of drugs are less likely to report rape or date-rape because they are afraid that any blood test or urine test performed will be held against them if it shows their own drug use.

I’d like to see decriminalization of harder drugs and an emphasis on treating any underlying mental health health issues that might have led the person to self-medicate in the first place.

I think it makes much more economic sense to get the person clean and sober and on the right legal psych meds than to put a mentally ill person in the justice system.

Law Enforcement needs to focus on the distribution of drugs, not the use.