
The Most Disgusting Right Wing Tweet About Ray Rice

ObserverArt9/09/2014 2:53:29 pm PDT

Regarding the Rice video, everyone is so focused on the punch. There are a lot of little details in there that show his total lack of regard for and what he really thinks of his to-be-wife.

When he knocks her out he just stands there like it was so common and only moved when the elevator door opens. Almost like a boxer standing over an opponent he just knocked out.

When he pulls her out of the elevator he literally drops her on her face/head. He also kicks her legs out of his way and drags his foot across her body when he steps over her like she is a sack of trash.

What the hell did he say to the security guard at first. And then there were like four other security or hotel/casino people there. Did Ray BS them all and get away with it because he is Ray Rice NFLer?

Those little things add up in my view and with the punch says to me he treats her with complete contempt, not just punches her. If I saw that video and it was me in it, I’d be thinking real hard about the relationship.