
Overnight Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 8/20/15

Dark_Falcon8/22/2015 7:28:18 am PDT

The UK’s Daily Mail has lots more details this morning about that terrorist on the train in Europe yesterday, some highlights:

1. Neither of the US servicemen involved are Marines. The one who was wounded is an airman named Spencer Stone and the other is a Army National Guardsman named Alek Skarlatos.

2. The perp (the article names him, but I won’t) is claiming he was planning to rob the passengers and take hostages for ransom. He’s claiming he’s not a terrorist, but that is likely a lie. He also claims he found the guns in a bag in a Brussels park, which smells as bad as skunk to me.

3. Stone, Skarlatos and their two friends beat the would-be hostage taker unconscious in the course of stopping him. While that is acceptable when dealing with an enemy bent on hostage-taking and murder, If police were caught on video doing the same thing to an ordinary criminal then I am sure Deray McKesson and BLM would have a good bit to same about the matter.