
Hilarious Short of the Day: Macaulay Culkin Is Back, and He's Seriously Pissed Off

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/17/2015 11:38:40 pm PST

And now for tonight’s winner in the Stupid ‘Murican category:

University Moves to Fire Sandy Hook Denier

Florida Atlantic University announced Wednesday that it is seeking to fire James Tracy, an associate professor in the School of Communication and Multimedia Studies.

The university’s announcement did not state why it was seeking to dismiss Tracy, who is tenured. But Florida Atlantic has been urged to take action against Tracy — known for denying that many mass shootings are real — by the parents of a boy who was among the victims of the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Lenny and Veronique Pozner are the parents of Noah Pozner, who was 6 when he was killed at Sandy Hook. In a widely distributed essay last week, they write that they know conspiracy theorists abound, but that Tracy has had particular success in being quoted by newspapers and television stations, spreading the idea that Sandy Hook (and other mass shootings) never happened.


The winners are in the comments:

Robert Oscar Lopez Conflicted • 13 hours ago
Be alert to what’s happening. There’s a concerted putsch across the country and it’s an organized movement to get the few conservative professors in the academy out, all at once. Parallels to Steven Salaita and Laura Kipnis are distractions. The targeting of conservatives is very specific, concerted, and supported by government entities like the Office of Civil Rights, which distort and misapply laws to help their partisan allies and financial cronies on the ground. Me, Carol Swain, John McAdams, etc. etc. — It is no coincidence that these moves to fire/suspend/sanction conservative professors are happening all at once, in such a blitz that people can’t even figure out what’s happening.[…]


Donald Stahl • 18 hours ago
Unlike others, I am familiar with what Dr. Tracy has to say in his blogs. Every statement he has made is verifiable, unlike those purported to come from “the Pozner family,” who are no doubt the same Pozner family which is well known for its support of the position that the government and the media cannot lie—-(at least, ours can’t). If the Pozners really think that Dr. Tracy has somehow harmed them, the rational thing for them to do would be to sue him. However, airing matters in open court would no doubt require them to prove that they had a son who was killed in Sandy Hook. When observable facts will not support one’s statements, the only recourse is to emotive language and vagueness, broached in venues requiring no evidence. This is no doubt obvious to university administrators, but irrelevant. No doubt we will see whether it is irrelevant to the legal system.

And so forth.

Inside Higher Ed, a supposedly serious mag, has its comment section infested by Alex Jones level idiots.