
Jordan Klepper From The Daily Show Goes to a Trump Rally in Tennessee, Sees Horror

American Bunnygothic3/27/2017 12:18:30 am PDT

re: #102 freetoken

Time travel as a genre has been a bit in-style in American television the past few years, with several new series on simultaneously.

What strikes me, among many things, is the cowardice of the producers/writers.

They recycle the same key events over and over and over… as if the audience will be totally lost somehow if the plot doesn’t involve:
1) the American revolutionary war;
2) the US Civil War; or
3) WWII, especially Hitler.

The cowardice part comes in also with the subjects that are avoided, definitely avoided. Note how religious figures and events are ignored almost totally (the key exception to this of course being Dr. Who, where the Doctor is clearly a Christ-figure, right down to his parentage.)

Just watch Rick and Morty. That’s a tv show about timespace that sure isn’t cowardly! ^.^

“The whole point of freezing time was to stop giving a fuck.”
-Rick Sanchez, SE2E01