
An Insanely Catchy New Song by Cory Wong: "Light as Anything" (Feat. Robbie Wulfsohn)

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS7/14/2018 7:39:06 am PDT

re: #126 ObserverArt


I think you may be saying there was some kind of system set up in 2012 that should have ‘manipulated’ the vote sufficiently enough to have given Romney the win. That is why Rove was so surprised and couldn’t believe the results.

Would not surprise me. And if I remember correctly, it was Ohio that was called on Fox and that wrapped up the election for Obama. So, maybe Ohio was one of the states that was manipulated.

I guess Obama’s team was a better manipulator than Romney’s.

Nothing that complicated — Rove believed his internal polls while polls were mostly favoring Obama (and of course everyone around him was a Repug), so he wouldn’t believe that he might be wrong. I see the same thing in current polls that strongly favor Dems vs. pundit pronouncements — and if the vote is as rigged as our lizard optimists keep saying, why do we keep winning?

(But don’t get complacent.)