
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

Jay C5/08/2020 7:20:39 am PDT

re: #120 Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)

Even though we assumed a Hillary presidency, We knew someday this was gonna happen way back when that happened.

However, without the absolute control over the Senate a GOP Majority (and a Mitch McConnell Leadership) provides, confirming/not conforming a SCOTUS nomination isn’t going to be the same thing. Moscow Mitch’s disgraceful shelving of the Garland nomination was, well, a disgrace: but it’s unlikely to be able to be repeated. Except, of course, in the tragic instance of a sudden vacancy between now and the election.
Just a prediction: I think Justice Ginsburg is going to hang on until after the election, and submit her resignation to (what we fervently hope will be) President Biden soon after he’s sworn in (or RBG finishes up her final caseload). And outside of a classic stand-in-the-well-of-the-Senate-reading-the-phonebook type of filibuster, there will probably not be a lot the GOP can do to derail her replacement’s nom.
I’m sure they will try, but I’m guessing there is going to be a way lower level of toleration for these sort of shenanigans in the next session. And most likely, said shenanigans quashed by rules old McTurtle put in himself….