
Prepare to Have Your Mind Blown: Marcin Patrzalek, Paganini's Caprice No. 24 on One Guitar

Backwoods Sleuth7/31/2020 3:04:26 pm PDT

re: #100 A Mom Anon

They are better, but still yucky. She has to take antibiotics on a full stomach and she’s decided that NOW is the time to be picky. I am blaming the Husband for this, he feeds her off his plate and as a result has very bad manners. So HE can wrestle the meds down her throat. I am in “about ready to hand in my 2 weeks notice” mode. I know she’s bored and she keeps trying to sneak into the pool. I swear, if I actually had real help around here I’d faint.

Glory is on Lasix for the rest of her life (congestive heart failure) and we don’t usually have a prob with hiding the half tab in some raw chicken.
Antibiotics are always a fight shoving it down her throat with the help of a syringe full of water. There is NOTHING that hides the taste of an antibiotic. NOTHING.