
Video: Trump Prison Fears Mount as Judge Says He'll Be Treated Like Any 'Criminal Defendant'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/12/2023 1:52:37 am PDT

Watching some automobile reviews on Youtube - I am not in the market (and may never be again) but I thought it interesting to see where the automobile market in the US is today.

As expected, many Youtube commenters love to hate on the makers, the government, etc., mostly about EVs and so forth.

What I gather is that there is a tension, a strong tension, between what people say they want (in an automobile) and what they will ever get.

This goes beyond the typical envy-induced frustration.

Physics is forcing automobile design and electric vehicles, with the limitations of batteries, show this very strongly.

Americans still want huge vehicles that gobble up gasoline. At least in large enough numbers that makers present monsters as their latest and greatest.

And because all-electric vehicles are expensive to stand up as an industry, the vehicles are quite a bit more expensive than their ICE counterparts.

What these whiners may not realize is that there is simply no future for big ICE vehicles.

The ones currently for sale in the US are part of a genus that is going extinct.

One can make all-electric plug-in vehicles with decent range. But the vehicles are small-ish.

Chinese companies are really embracing this change. But their vehicles are not on offer here.

And I am not surprised that the Koreans (Hyundai/Kia) are leading the way with more-affordable (but still expensive) electric vehicles in the US.

Cultural changes unfolding, driven by resource limitations, are going to continue to make American politics quite volatile.

The big car is a sign of American virility. Changing that is still apparently many years off.