
Dems Threaten to Tax AIG Bonuses

jcm3/17/2009 11:25:36 am PDT

Chris Dodd: For AIG bonuses before he was against them

That amendment provides an “exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009,” which exempts the very AIG bonuses Dodd and others are seeking to tax. The amendment is in the final version and is law.

The whole AIG bonus thing is a red herring.

Everyone in DC knew about it a year ago, anyone acting suprised is a GODDAMN FUCKING LIER!

The Fed approved the bonus contracts before the money was given AIG, the contracts are legal and must be honored.

The whole damn thing is to distract the plebes from what DC is doing.

$165 million in legal contracts?


Trillions in over spending, expansion of government, in the budget in the omnibus and in porkulus.


People who signed contracts in good faith as part of a retention package? By the way allowing govenment to overturn legal contracts because they aren’t popular, will destroy business. Investors will have even less confidence on a return on capital than now.

Or Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd who are stealing our children blind.

Let’s keep our eye on the ball!