
Bayefsky: Obama Should Denounce Durban II

zombie3/19/2009 3:10:03 pm PDT
That declaration says Palestinians are victims of Israeli racism—with Israel the only U.N. state found guilty of racism.

That is the most absurd thing I had ever heard.

Racism is ugly, and I’m sure there is some racism in Israel by some Jews against Arabs (and by most Arabs against Jews). But racism is ubiquitous around the globe, and try as we might to extirpate it from the human condition, I (and a lot of evolutionary biologists) am convinced that xenophobia is practically hardwired into the human brain, much in the same way that distrust of other species is hardwired into many animal brains. There is racism is every country in the world, and Israel is no worse than (and probably much better than) most. Try being a Korean in Japan; a Chinese person in Indonesia; a black person in the Ukraine; a white person in Zimbabwe, a Guatemalan in Mexico; or a Tibetan in China. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Racism is bad, but it’s pretty much omnipresent and inescapable, just like envy, greed, rape and murder, in every society on the planet. To single out Israel is sheer anti-Semitism, plain and simple.