
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

Desert Dog4/20/2009 2:09:22 pm PDT

re: #87 SanFranciscoZionist

With as little vitriol as possible, why does this seem to worry people so much? Call them right, left, sea kittens, don’t worry about it.

Characterizing the right as Nazis has always been the left’s favorite metaphor. I find that ironic as it is the left that has produced the most bloody and murderous “isms” in the history of the world. How many millions perished from communism? or National “SOCIALISM”? It is the left that wants the state to take the power and restrict the rights of the citizens, not the right. It is the left that wishes to curb ideas and speech, not the right. It is the left that wants Big Brother to take over from cradle to grave and provide all that is needed to the people, not the right. Why we sit here and let ourselves be classified as “Nazis” is beyond me. Especially since we are being called something we are not by a group that is itself guilty of the very things they criticize us for.