
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

Cato the Elder5/21/2009 2:12:46 pm PDT

re: #103 Dianna

Hey, Dianna, good to see you! Feeling better today, I hope?

I went and ordered the current Vintage edition of Dhalgren so I can reread it from a distance of some three and a half decades and see what I make of it. It just got here. Will let you know.

Apparently the text has been super-plagued by errata, because Delaney originally had something like six days to look over the proofs. The present edition is supposed to fix lots, but not all of the problems.

It’s not available for Kindle yet, but I’m going to buy it in the e-version too when it comes out, because I’m curious to know how Kindle handles typographical oddities like double columns and such. Charles, have you seen anything that would give a clue to that? I mean where the typographical layout
the effect.
Like, what would they do with Finnegans Wake or Tristram Shandy, for instance?