
LGF Linkage - Now with Ajax-Based Editing

mr.JA5/03/2010 5:01:43 pm PDT

I have no clue about programming or ajax or whatever, but what I do know is that LGF is the most advanced blog I visit, commenting is such a breeze… Unlike with other blogs, I never have issues with logging in, I can re-load comments while I type to prevent redundant comments.
Whatever this Ajax stuff is, you’re doing magic with it, Charles.

I don’t know if you do, but you should sell this - it would make commenting so much easier, and primarily without people saying the same thing within 5 minutes ‘cause the haven’t seen someone else replying.
I haven’t made my mind up about this karma thing, as unpopular views are not always wrong, and can be ‘punished’ by the majority in this way. I guess it is needed to keep sock puppets and the like out.

Anyway, it is 2am here, I just got back from the lab (and found a pathetically easy solution to a problem that bugged me for 2 weeks now), so I’m off to hit the sack…
Keep the ajax going…