
Barton Apologizes for Apologizing to BP for Obama's 'Shakedown'

Killgore Trout6/17/2010 2:16:33 pm PDT

Allahpundit sez….

The other pity of Barton’s sympathy act is that it obscures the fact that he has a legitimate complaint about the escrow account. Dan McLaughlin points me to this Journal op-ed which sums things up nicely:
[A] government-administered fund more or less guarantees a more politicized payment process. The escrow administrator will be chosen by the White House, and as such would be influenced by the Administration’s political goals. Those goals would include payments to those harmed by the Administration’s own six-month deep water drilling ban. That reckless policy will soon put thousands of Gulf Coast residents out of work, but the White House knows that BP isn’t liable under current law for those claims. The escrow account is an attempt to tap BP’s funds by other means to pay the costs of Mr. Obama’s own policy blunder.

Bwahaha! Keep it up dummies! Obama and the Dems are blessed with the dumbest enemies ever. These idiots are not going to give up no matter how many times the embarrass themselves.