
ADL 'Won't Fight' Park51 Community Center

Kragar8/04/2010 12:54:35 pm PDT

Sharron Angle: Democrats Making “Government Our God”

Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle told a Christian radio station earlier this year that President Obama and Democrats in Congress are violating the Bible’s First Commandment by turning government into a false god.

Angle’s remarks were highlighted by the Las Vegas Sun as an illustration of her relatively extreme views, which pundits have suggested are making a tight race out of what should have been an easy GOP victory over unpopular Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

And these programs that you mentioned — that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward — are all entitlement programs built to make government our God,” Angle said in an April interview with TruNews Christian Radio. “And that’s really what’s happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We’re supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government.”

Angle has used strong religious rhetoric before, characterizing her candidacy as a “calling” from God. Angle’s words have given some Nevada voters pause: “She talks to the far Christian right, but that’s about it,” Las Vegas resident Michele Ficano told Hotsheet.