
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

BryanS4/04/2011 6:11:01 pm PDT

Iran squares off against Saudi Arabia over Bahrain’s annexation

OK, it’s Debka, so the usual truckloads of salt apply. Still, it’s hard to ignore the potential for a Shia/Sunni blowup. It is pretty clear that the Saudis are royally teed off at the US and don’t see the US as protecting the status quo anymore. And the Bahrain brouhaha seems to be a legitimate source of serious tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

So, do we sit back and watch the Saudis and Iranians blow each other up (better that they blow each other up rather than us?) or do we worry about an even more dangerous sectarian war that could lead to a extended and deadly sectarian violence?