
First Wingnut Blogger to Bash Obama for Earthquake: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

blueraven8/23/2011 12:20:55 pm PDT

Good grief…can NRO get more petty? This article by Tevi Troy analyzing Obamas summer reading, is even being panned by most of the comments.

This year’s list suggests that Obama needs to consider the messages sent by his reading more carefully. According to Mickey Kaus, the Obama list is “heavy on the wrenching stories of immigrant experiences, something the President already knows quite a bit about.” For this reason, Kaus feels that the list reveals an intellectually incurious president. Either that, or it is “a bit of politicized PR BS designed to help the President out.” In that case, he notes, “it’s sending the wrong message.” Either way, the annual book list should be a relatively easy way to make the president appear to be on top of things and in control. This year’s list, alas, reveals a president who appears to be neither.