
Breitbart Blogger Dana Loesch Lies on CNN: 'Nobody Believes Obama Wasn't Born in Hawaii'

Ming5/30/2012 12:12:26 pm PDT

The fact that Dana Loesch is on CNN is one reason why I continue to avoid paying for cable TV. There have been many other commentators on the cable news networks (CNN, Fox, MSNBC) who I don’t like, but CNN should know better in the case of Dana Loesch. There is no “value added” from her, other than her facility at spewing hatred.

I would guess that some decision-makers at CNN consider her looks to be “value added”, but that’s only a guess. I’m “reaching” to try to find a reason for someone to put her on TV. I still can’t fathom why she’s on the same network that sometimes does a great job of reporting the news.

I travel a lot for work and I’m glad I have cable TV in the hotel. I can afford to have it in my home as well, but for some reason, Dana Loesch is the “line in the sand” that I won’t cross. There is no way I’m going to pay for cable TV at home while she’s on CNN. Her presence just says it too loudly and too clearly: something is WRONG at CNN, big-time.