
Kentucky Republican Legislators: "The Theory of Evolution Is Not Science - Darwin Made It Up"

Dark_Falcon8/14/2012 8:00:28 pm PDT

re: #114 HappyWarrior

His Dad was a decent guy. I can’t say the same about Mitt when he bends over backwards to appease the bigots in his party. His father boldly stood up for Civil Rights when their church was stuck in the dark ages on racial issues. Mitt I think if he would have been in the position of the older Romney would have been silent.

Honestly though, if George Romney had lived in our own time he would not be as spontaneous and original as he was. That would simply reflect the current reality, which is that CEOs and governors are for the most part not allowed to be spontaneous or original. this is because the penalties for saying something that comes across wrong are so high now. Back then, if the TV cameras weren’t there your words would mostly show up in the newspapers, with enough delay normally context to defuse some of the gaffe’s force. Nowadays, if you make a gaffe its on YouTube within 30 minutes and it’ll have gone all around the world before you get a response off. So now politicos and execs stick to the scripted talking points and avoid the spontaneity that is now more likely to hurt a leader then help them.