
As Hurricane Sandy Strikes, Mitt Romney Wants to Drastically Cut Federal Disaster Relief

bmiller1175710/28/2012 3:01:19 pm PDT

re: #125 Almost Killed by Space Hookers

Yeah… this is a frankenstorm.

My buddies over at Princeton GFDL are all in a sort of horrified awe at it.

There is still a tiny chance it grazes further north and loses some energy on the way, but the odds are that this will be a monster.

I fully expect some hundreds who think they know better to get trapped and die wherever.

I fully expect there to be a lot of unpleasant aftermath.

There are idiots that just won’t leave the shore areas. Fine. Clean out the gene pool. Less that 5 miles from me, down the road, is already flooding and we have not received the full storm.

Wind is blowing damm hard now. We are going to be hurting soon here on Long Island, NY.