
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton6/01/2009 10:20:40 am PDT

re: #1274 Killgore Trout

Bill O’Reilly’s jihad against Dr. George Tiller
The murder is bad enough but the right’s reactions have been despicable and the rhetoric that lead to this was just depraved. The leftys have been handed a huge victory on this one.

Killgore, that KOS blog entry says “you don’t have to be a terrorist to pull the trigger” indicating that O’Reilly is as responsible for the murder as the murderer.

That is a cheap shot. Where as I don’t agree with ANYTHING O’Reilly stands for, nor Rush or Alex or Hannity and so on, that is a cheap shot on KOS and has nothing to do with what happened.

Settle down Killgore.