
Updates: Boston Marathon Explosions

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/15/2013 2:04:34 pm PDT

re: #2 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

I haven’t heard from my friends yet. They’re mostly older people, my parents age, so they wouldn’t have finished at the front. I know the odds are strongly in favor of them being safe and fine, but it’s impossible not to worry.

Whether the terrorist is a Muslim right-wing fanatic or a Christian right-wing fanatic or a white supremacist or what, I don’t care about his cause, I just hope they take him alive and that a skilled interrogator who knows how to play off of his pride and hubris is able to get the information out of him that will help find who helped him. I know that for a cop who finds this guy the urge may be to simply shoot him but that won’t help.