
Stephen Colbert's Solution for Racial Harmony

Vicious Babushka7/24/2013 2:53:23 pm PDT

I am working on my “Wingnut Revisionist History” page, it will take some time b/c of actual, you know, RESEARCH but does anyone know where I can find a source for the alleged LBJ quote “I’ll have those n-words voting democrat for the next 200 years!” Like, in a book or something?

It’s all over Teh Internets but only on whackjob right-wing websites and I am about 90% sure that it’s a Fake Quote.

But I would like to verify it before going on Teh Twitters and saying it is a Fake Quote. LBJ I am sure used the n-word as well as other words but it is very doubtful that he let racism determine policy,