

jamesfirecat9/29/2013 9:47:16 am PDT

Carried over from last thread because I am done starting new arguments till we finish up our old ones.

“The people who will sign up for Obamacare are the people that need help and that is good and the people that think they will get something for nothing. When they find out it will cost them something they will disappear, because they know they can walk into any ER and be treated.”

If someone has had their legs broken and is brought into an ER what do you expect the ER to do for them?

Do you expect them to not only put their legs in casts, but also a few months down the line provide them with the physical therapy to help them learn to walk again?

An emergency room is fine for an emmergency but you NEED insurance if you are going to be dealing with any sort of protracted problem.

Do you disagree with this Francis?