
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller Lie About "Muslim Mob" Attacking Jews in Australia

CuriousLurker11/03/2013 5:09:59 am PST

re: #12 Skandal

Sorry for the delayed response. Life has a way of intervening at the most inopportune times.

No need to apologize, I’m just glad you were able to return. Thanks for taking the time to do so.

Once again, point well taken. It does behoove one to back up one’s assertions with actual evidence/arguments as opposed to simply stating things as facts or givens. I specifically avoided making any reference to “anti-semitism” per se but to varying degrees the term does indeed apply to the examples of questionable associations Loon Watch promotes. If you wish I would gladly engage in a civil, respectful and constructive exchange of views. Below are just a few examples of what I was referring to.

Just to clarify, when I said “If you can’t make your case in plain, rational, civil language using established facts & concrete examples, then…” I meant “you” in the figurative/collective sense, not you personally. That said, many thanks for the interesting links—I’ll be sure to read them all.

You’re absolutely right that you didn’t mention anti-Semitism per se. I guess I just assumed it since it seems to come up more often than not whenever discussions involving Jews or Israel get contentious.

Regarding Mondoweiss not being left wing, I had no idea! Thanks for the correction. I guess it exists in that strange “moronic convergence” Venn diagram space where far-left & far-right overlap and it becomes difficult to distinguish between them. I see one of the articles you have about it is from Tablet—I’ve really enjoyed some of the in-depth articles I’ve read there as they seemed to be well researched & thoughtful. Now that you’ve reminded me about it, I need to go subscribe to their mailing list…

Regarding MJ Rosenberg & Ali Abunimah, heh, yeah, I heard about that one. Someone here mentioned it in a thread, so I briefly went to go see what caused the kerfuffle.

I hope this clarifies to some extent why I wrote what I did and please let me know what you consider of the above requires any further elaboration. I definitely despise Islamophobia in any form. In addition, the degree to which anti-semitism is any less prevalent than a 100 years ago is debatable.

It does indeed clarify what you wrote, and I won’t hesitate to ask if I have any questions after reading everything.

BTW, when I mentioned Muslims being where Jews were 100 years ago, I didn’t mean to imply that we’re living in some sort of post-anti-semitic utopia, but rather that American Jews have managed to build strong national organizations (like the ADL) dedicated to combating anti-semitism & other forms of bigotry, and to advocating for their interests & protecting their civil rights. I’m aware they also perform these services for others, but their primary focus is nonetheless the Jewish people (and there’s nothing wrong with that—most minorities have similar organizations).

Thanks again for your response(s). They are truly appreciated and always food for thought. I’m definitely looking forward to future discussions.

Right back at you. ;)