
Reminder: The Benghazi Hoax was Spun up by the GOP to Protect Mitt Romney

Dark_Falcon12/29/2013 8:40:57 am PST

re: #10 Sol Berdinowitz

So Romney decided he needed to bend over backwards to show how Right he could be, fell over and relied on the party to catch him and try to prop him back up?

This would be an object lesson for anyone who was capable of learning from their mistakes.

It was ‘Mitt’s turn’, but the passage of the ACA (a law which took many of its cues from Mitt’s healthcare law in Massachusetts) left the right very wary of Romney. A true first-rate candidate would have beaten Mitt, ‘his turn’ or not, but none ran in 2012. So Mitt Romney won the nomination, but he was hedged in by an angry right-wing that was unwilling to make nice and that featured a populism that worked against him.

So Mitt Romney went with pandering and “OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGES!!1”, and lost. Given the advantages of incumbency in a presidential election, the likelihood was always that Obama would be reelected.