
Microagressions Hurt - Why Bill Maher Is Wrong

palmerskiss5/02/2014 11:58:09 am PDT

re: #12 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What you’re talking about is still indirect effects, though, and you only mean that it can ‘cause’ it if a host of other conditions are in effect.

In addition, you quotes an article explicitly saying that terrorism isn’t considered a pathology in support of your argument wherein terrorism is a pathological problem.

they did outline a suggestion that terrorism is a pathology.

Pathological Terrorism

This describes the use of terrorism by individuals who utilize such strategies for the sheer joy of terrorizing others. Pathological terrorists often operate alone rather in groups like the others on this list and often are not true ‘terrorists’ as they lack any well-defined political motive.

Examples: Pathological terrorism is most commonly seen in school shootings and serial killing scenarios. The shootings at Columbine High School and of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords all serve as examples of pathological terrorism since those who carried them out sought to use violence to terrorize for their own pleasure.

The pathology of terrorism. Acts of violence directed against citizens of the United States while abroad.
Clark MA.
Author information
Acts of terrorism resulting in serious injury and death have become a daily occurrence in the late 1990s. Forensic pathologists play a key role in the investigation and eventual prosecution of such cases. Meticulous attention to injuries as well as photographic documentation of findings along with the recognition and recovery of trace evidence are critical parts of the autopsy on the victims of terrorist violence. Specific cases of terrorist events from the period of 1985-1007 are presented along with a detailed explanation of explosion-related injuries.
PMID: 9523067 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]