
Cooking for Vegans and Other Horrible People: Hangover Food

goddamnedfrank3/14/2015 12:09:39 pm PDT

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Enstrom is a corrupt ex Tobacco scientist who was publishing total bullshit on undermining diesel emission regulations.

For almost thirty years, Enstrom’s research into smoking and health was funded by the cigarette makers.

In fact, Enstrom did so much work for Big Tobacco that when the United States Department of Justice summed up its civil RICO case against the cigarette makers [PDF] at the end of a months-long trial in a lengthy legal filing, Enstrom got his own chapter — one of just three scientists singled out by DOJ out of many dozens of tobacco-funded researchers for having been vital to the industry’s efforts to sow confusion about the health effects of smoking.

U.S. District Court Judge Gladys Kessler apparently agreed on Enstrom’s role, singling out his work for extensive treatment in a scathing 1652-page final opinion in 2006 [PDF] in which she ruled that the tobacco companies were indeed a “racketeer influenced and corrupt organization” under the RICO law, a decision upheld by the Supreme Court.

In a section entitled “Defendants and Their Paid Consultants Controlled ETS Research Findings,” Kessler zeroed in on a 2003 study published in the British Medical Journal by Enstrom and co-author Geoffrey Kabat claiming that links between secondhand smoke, or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and lung cancer or coronary heart disease “may be considerably weaker than generally believed.”