
A Classic Horrible Racist and Sexist Ad From the 80s: Mr. Microphone

ObserverArt5/17/2015 7:03:55 pm PDT


This reminds me of something I’ve always wanted to see happen. It would be sort of a Spinal Tap type of gig.

You know how a lot of bands had tons of Marshall double-stacks all across the stage…both sides of the drum kit. It was true especially for the harder bands in the 70s. Still some metal bands do it today.

I always wanted to see the lead player have about 100 to 120 of the original Pignose Amps stacked all up, maybe held in racks that weren’t real obvious. All Pignose Wall o’ Sound.

Then a tech comes out with his flashlight on the darkened stage and has to turn each and everyone on. Probably take about ten minutes or more.

Plus, I wonder what 100 Pignose amps would sound like?

For those that are unfamiliar…The Pignose. All of 6.5” wide and about 10” tall. 5 Watts into a 5” speaker.

Pignose Portable Amp