
Board Member of Right Wing Group That Made Planned Parenthood Video Believes Murdering Doctors Is "Justifiable"

BeachDem7/15/2015 3:41:38 pm PDT

And speaking of right-wing morons, there’s a new, very serious, very important coalition called REAL MARRIAGE: One Man/One Woman for Life (guess that leaves Newt, and zombie-Reagan, and Mark Sanford, and Pete Sessions, and Rush, and Trump and many of the other dedicated hypocrites on the right, out.)

They not only have a fabulous speakers’ bureau that includes Andy Schlafley and Janet Porter, and some guy who’s a “creater” of reparative therapy (not sure if that’s supposed to be creator or creature—but I digress), they also, apparently, have a time machine, as their website (and a thing of beauty it is) has a 2023 copyright date.