
Right Wing Troll Chuck Johnson Moves to Quash Subpoena From National Abortion Federation

Skip Intro11/03/2015 11:21:38 am PST

re: #6 lawhawk

Mark P. Meuser? Quite like the same one who ran for the CA 7th State Senate seat, and lost, and seems intent on running again.

A graduate of “Oak Brook College of Law,” which is a Christian correspondence law school based in Fresno. According to the school’s website, OBCL teaches “law and government policy in the context of a Biblical and historical framework” and establishes “the Biblical foundations of truth, righteousness, justice, mercy, equity, integrity, and the fear of God in legal education…”

So what’s a Man of Gawd doing working for a shitstain like CCJ? Really, Orly Taitz is a much better fit.