
Video: Katrina Pierson Face-Plants Majestically on CNN

Targetpractice8/13/2016 11:36:09 am PDT

I think the highlight of the clip is the first time that Victor corrected her, that frozen look on her face that says “Brain Not Found: Abort, Retry, Fail?”

This is why you don’t send your surrogates out to tackle subjects with which they’re not personally familiar. Like how you don’t send our your military surrogate to tackle questions on abortion or your financial surrogates to talk about the Iraq War. Katrina’s trying to repeat the arm chair general argument we’ve heard for the past 8 years, that the Iraq War was “won” with the Surge and then the President eased up and left a vacuum that ISIS formed in. But to her they’re just a bunch of data points and BS, so she ends up sounding like a wingnut Mad Libs book.