
Monday Night Acoustic Jam: Spencer Elliott - Torque

Pawn of the Oppressor9/12/2016 10:12:12 pm PDT

After hearing some crazy stuff from the mouths of otherwise sane-appearing co-workers today, I have a weird little What-If hope that H wins by The Mother of All Landslides, and we have 4-8 years of things getting a lot better. Imagine… *dream wave* wages rise to match the cost of living, bank executive thieves go to jail, ISIS is crushed out of existence, gun violence is finally studied and effective laws are passed, U.S. manufacturing exists again, people have enough money for savings, investment, and home-buying all at the same time, outrageous credit card and student loan debts are dealt with, social media trolls fade away, women are recognized as real people with full control of their own reproductive systems, being a violent anti-social asshole becomes a testable & diagnosable condition, the religious right dies off, successful & efficient single-payer health care is emplaced, STEM and space investment takes off, the U.S. lands astronauts somewhere cool, infrastructure gets investment, 150-mile-range electric motorcycles are subsidized and distributed to everybody, national high-speed rail is installed, the nation’s power grid is hardened and fed by nuclear/solar, everybody gets nationalized broadband for $5 a month, the Air Force is rolled back into the Army and the Marines get the A-10, the Brits bring back the Concorde, multilingualism becomes an educational goal, the entire current GOP voluntarily emigrates to the badlands of frontier Pakistan and is never heard from again, DST is eliminated and a 35-hour work week with mandatory Weekly Ethnic Food Truck Lunch is passed, and racism and sexism are gradually exorcised from our national soul…

And then I woke up…

But imagine if H runs the show for a while and nothing bad happens… What’s the right going to do? They want their bloody mess so bad, they’ll have to make it themselves.