
Samantha Bee: And Now, the Actual State of Our Union

Florida Panhandler2/01/2018 10:31:50 am PST

Here is the real State of The Union:

In 2018 we have a country led by a President who was actively promoted to office by a violently hostile enemy in Russia. The President has no moral compass other than what can benefit him directly through public adoration, humiliation of enemies both real and perceived, and monetary gain.

We have a Republican dominated Congress actively sabotaging the Constitution via ignoring Presidential misconduct, abusing separation of powers, and overt lawbreaking including what can only be described as Treason in favor of a violently hostile foreign power in order to advance a very particular political and economic agenda.

And most importanly, we have a full 35% or so of the general population including most white people and over 70% of white men either complying with or actively promoting this power grab.

The state of the union can be described as a minority-led fascism. I cannot think of a previous country in history that a similar set of circumstances all collide together and I do not know what the outcome will be.