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Dr Lizardo11/20/2019 3:05:38 am PST

There’s a growing chorus of people in Prague - and elsewhere - calling for services like Airbnb to be outlawed in the Czech Republic. This is why…

At the moment, every fourth apartment in Prague’s historical district of Staré město is rented via Airbnb or some other shared accommodation platform, which leads to the depopulation of the city centre.

Given the current trend, shared accommodation services are likely to push out citizens also from the wider centre of Prague in the near future, concludes the study by Deloitte.

Combined with skyrocketing rents and housing prices in Prague and the simple market dictates of demand far outstripping supply (it takes about 10 years to get a residential apartment building constructed here) and pretty soon, Prague will still be a lovely Czech jewel…..but Czechs unable to afford to live there.

Fortunately, at least for me, rental and housing prices in my region (Moravian Silesia) are on a gradual long-term decline as the region depopulates over the next 25 years or so (population in the Moravian Silesia region is expected to decline by 30 to 35% over the coming quarter century).