
Some More News: How To Cynically Dismiss The Campus Protests Against Genocide

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/12/2024 11:38:10 am PDT

re: #264 Nerdy Fish

The ones that appear not to be trying aren’t targeted at you. They’re targeted at more vulnerable people, who don’t have the skills or knowledge to recognize the signs of a scam, and are frequently elderly and living off of relatively prosperous retirement accounts.

Multiple surveys and tests indicate the group most likely to fall for on-line scams are Millenials and Zoomers, not elderly people.

Aside from regular lessons about this in magazines aimed toward seniors such as AARP, the younger group tends to have the “I can’t be scammed I’m tech savvy” attitude.

Think of all the major ransomware attacks at corporations. Those weren’t retirees clicking on scammy links.