
Support I Don't Really Need

morning star2/17/2009 5:15:57 pm PST

re: #10 vxbush

I really don’t want to give Sullivan the traffic—anyone willing to post the offending text?

“17 Feb 2009 04:45 pm
Fear And Anger

Those are the two programming staple from Fox News, so perhaps last night’s Hannity is not too surprising. It was a summary of alleged sleeper cells in the US, featuring “expert” Martin Mawyer.

Money quote:
Mawyer: They have weapons of mass destruction…
Hannity: What kind of weapons of mass destruction?
Mawyer: Well, in some cases I can’t uh, even tell you, Sean.

I bet he can’t. But when Little Green Footballs finds Mawyer less than credible, Fox has a problem.”