
A Walk on the Edge

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks2/23/2010 12:06:59 am PST

So here is a new conspiracy theory, new to me anyway. I have no idea what the source of this CT is, for all I know the person I heard it from is the sole source of this CT.

Anyhow, this conspiracy theory is regarding all the Toyota recalls. The gist…

It is a plot by the Obama admin. to discredit Toyota, a company traditionally known for reliable cars with higher than average resale values. The goal? To destroy Toyota’s reputation, which will somehow magically elevate GM’s rep. Just GM’s rep, not all the other car manufacturers.

The reason? GM is now owned by The GovernmentTM, and The GovernmentTM will make a ton of money if they just ruin the rep of one of many car manufacturers.

If I were more interested in this person’s blather than I was my own beer, I would have said “That’s fucking stupid” rather than “Meh”.