
New Details on Kissinger and Operation Condor

Dark_Falcon4/12/2010 12:21:07 pm PDT

re: #9 Obdicut

And the thousands of people killed by Pinochet, tortured by him, the money he and his thugs stole from his people— while the CIA kept many of them on our payroll— what of them?

If you use Saddam’s treatment of his citizens as one of the things legitimizing our invasion of Iraq, how can you possibly say that supporting a military coup of a Saddam-like figure is the right thing to do?

My concern is mainly for America. In the case of Chile, that meant throwing those people to the wolves. I’m not proud of it, but we did what we had to do. Moral considerations simply don’t enter into it. It was an action based on power politics and I’m defending it only on those grounds.