
Obama defends ground zero mosque plans

Lidane8/13/2010 8:11:34 pm PDT

re: #10 captdiggs

Which would tend to disprove all this “anti-muslim” bigotry allegations.

Hardly. It’s ignored because it’s inconvenient, nothing more.

Pointing out the actual mosque already closer to the WTC than Park51 would interfere with the Faux News/Palin/Gingrich/wingnut narrative about a “Ground Zero mosque”, and all the fear and hate that is being exploited so that the right-wing nutbars can fool the useful idiots and rubes who keep sending them money. Charles even posted about some asshole threatening to use eminent domain to find a way to block Park51. That’s not anything but fear and bigotry.

It’s not about the location. It never has been. It’s about anti-Muslim sentiment being exploited to keep people ignorant and afraid, and people keep falling for it.