
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Lidane9/21/2010 12:43:14 pm PDT

re: #6 ralphieboy

It is only going to get worse when the GOP picks up seats in the mid-term…at which they will start attacking Obama as a “do-nothing president”.

It’s Clinton in ‘94 all over again. The GOP are in full-on hysteria mode (this time with bonus racism and xenophobia!), they’re going to try and turn Obama into a do-nothing, and they’re going to either seriously overreach or piss off the electorate by spending all their time investigating/blocking everything instead of making a case for why they should be back in the White House.

At this rate, the end result will also be the same. Clinton won a second term, and so could Obama, if the GOP keep going at the rate they’re going.