
The Tea Party Lost the Senate for the GOP

kirkspencer11/03/2010 9:53:43 am PDT

re: #5 bloodstar

[snip] I’m calling it now. The Republicans are going to work to make sure nothing is passed for the next two years and work to blame Obama for it.

Agreed. Impeachment hearings will begin in January. Bills will be submitted to remove bills passed in the preceding years, and others to deny funding already approved.

Some ugly “fun” will come as the House creates a budget that has nothing to do with what Obama’s OMB passes to it.

But the ugliest fun is likely to come as we reach the deficit cap. If that’s not raised we can’t create more bonds or treasury notes. At that point it doesn’t matter what the budget is, we can’t get more money. Which means we can’t pay soldiers, can’t pay medicare, can’t pay government salaries…