
Bachmann Dives Into the Gutter

wrenchwench2/22/2011 10:27:19 am PST

This is why nobody should ever trust a fundamentalist who says “I’m about fiscal conservatism”:

She also talked about the “family bubble.”

“The family is on a bubble right now. The rate of cohabitating couples in one year increased 13 percent,” she said. “The family is the ultimate first form and first unit in government and society.”

She added, “The bureaucrats now hate our values; there’s a war on marriage, a war on family, a war on fertility all while funding and promoting abortion.”

Bachmann continued, “We don’t need political correctness because most fundamentally I believe the building block of the family is what the government needs to do right now and support two-parent families as the foundation of our economic and social policy.”

She said for that reason, social issues need to be a priority. “We can’t put the so called social issues on the back burner while we are solving our economic challenges because the family is the solution to those challenges.”

“War on fertility.” Is that a new one?