
Nevada Polls Show Romney Way Out in Front

EastSider2/02/2012 3:20:02 pm PST

Can I ask for help from the lizard faithful?

How is Romney even going to pretend to separate himself from Obama in the general election? The big republican planks in any platform:

Foreign Policy: Obama wins in a landslide.

Healthcare: Romney actually enacted many components of “Obamacare”

Economy: Even if he has ideas for how to fix the economy (which I haven’t heard, other than Obama’s policies being “bad”), Romney is now perceived as the incarnation of the 1%, and I think he gets killed for it.

Social Conservatism: Romney has flipped more times on abortion and gay marriage than I can count. The half the country that is liberal will go Obama, the other half will hate Romney’s lack of consistency. Which leads me to:

Character: This is hugely important for Repubs (see: Bush, George W). They want a good ole boy, a guy they can have a beer with, a guy who will stand up to the terrorists. Romney is a soft, bloviating flip flopper who doesn’t seem to be able to throw or take a punch.

What I’m saying is: I don’t think he can get Republicans out to vote, nor do I think he can get moderates. I would really like someone to tell me what platform this guy is going to run on in the summer/fall, and how he has a prayer of winning.