
Rachel Maddow on Rick Santorum's Shameless Lying

Kragar4/03/2012 11:25:26 am PDT

Bryan Fischer: Liberals are conservatives but won’t admit it; moderates are conservatives but don’t know it

Conservatism is simple and instinctive. There is a God. Marriage is one man and one woman. Adultery is wrong. Pornography is bad. Murder is wrong. Lying is wrong. Stealing is wrong. Government’s role is to punish those who infringe on people’s right to life, liberty and property. Parents should direct the upbringing of their children. Etc., etc.

“When effortful, deliberate responding is disrupted or disengaged, thought processes become quick and efficient,” the researchers write in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. “These conditions promote conservative ideology.”

All this means, when you break it down, is that liberalism is so foreign to rational, clear headed, instinctive thought that you have to make a deliberate effort to convince yourself that it’s true.

Liberalism is just like believing in a man who lives in the sky who sits in judgement over every living thing apparently.