
Breaking: Zimmerman in Custody, to Be Charged With 2nd Degree Murder

darthstar4/11/2012 2:49:37 pm PDT

re: #10 neilk

Isn’t the distinction between manslaughter and murder whether the attack was intended to cause death? I.e., if you hit someone with your car or punch them in the temple and they die, it’s hard to prove that they intended to kill. But Zimmerman has a concealed carry permit, has probably taken gun safety classes, and is presumed to know that shooting someone in the chest is likely to result in death.

I’m guessing there’s an autopsy report that doesn’t show powder residue on Trayvon…so Zimmerman might have been a few feet further back when he shot him. Watch for the defense to be “accidental discharge” which would support my first guess, which is that he had the safety off and a round in the chamber when he approached Trayvon Martin…like all good red-neck Steven Seagal/Chuck Norris fans who fantasize about being cops do.