
Axelrod: Obama 'Taken Aback by the Brazenness' of Romney's Dishonesty

Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi10/07/2012 12:21:33 pm PDT

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

He may have been taken aback, but he still got caught flat-footed. Time to rev it up.

If Obama is still expecting Mitt to have ‘a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country’, he hasn’t been paying attention.

Not buying this as a ‘what happened’.

In my opinion it took way too long for Obama to realize that the dream of bipartisan comity he brought to the Presidency wasn’t actually going to happen, and that the Republicans had no interest in anything but blocking his agenda. I certainly hope it doesn’t take as long for him to wake up to - and cope with - the fact that Romney’s going to lie.