
Spectacular Stop-Motion Animation: My Strange Grandfather

Eclectic Cyborg2/23/2013 4:04:42 pm PST

On a more tender note I am sick with a bad cold at the moment and my wife is out for the evening and quite miss her, so I decided to write this for her just now:

Come to me my precious one,
amid the sweet twilight.
I’m hurting and I need your healing,
I need your love tonight.

The aches roll through my body,
like the waves bouncing off the sand,
I feel strangely incomplete,
a weakened, half made man.

But as the coughs consume me,
and relief seems far from sight,
I can’t deny I want you with me,
I need your love tonight.

There’s no need to call a doctor,
I don’t want a bunch of pills.
All I need is you beside me,
to ease away my ills.

I hope that I’ll be feeling better,
at the dawn of morning light,
but for now here in the darkness,
I need your love tonight.

It’s clear that I’m not perfect,
but I took a solemn vow,
and I know I’ve never loved you more,
than I deeply do right now.

All I seek is a speck of peace,
a little brief respite,
If only you were in my arms,
I need your love tonight.