
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/14/2014 6:03:20 am PDT

re: #129 wheat-doggha — oo bird outside my window

Playing the victimhood and martyr cards, over and over again.

If you’re a pastor and you refuse to marry a same-sex couple, well, they’ll just go somewhere else. The gay Nazi Stormtroopers are not going to bust down the pastor’s door and haul him off to a concentration camp, where he’ll be forced to do all kinds of gay Nazi stormtrooper stuff.

But, if you’re a court clerk or a JP and you refuse, then there will be trouble. In such a case, a Christian who oppose SSM should maybe find another job or suck it up and do the one he or she was elected to perform.

Seriously the victim complex is amazing. But what really angers me is when they try to equate themselves to victims of Nazi persecution. That one oh my god it infuriates me especially knowing the Nazi persecution of LGBT people.